beginning we watch sun moon and other stars from earth and try to understant which are moving and why are moving and what is the rules of moving.
firstly we assumed that we are standing on earth and other astronomical bodies are moving and we made a perception that earth are in centre and other asteronomical bodies moving around the earth.
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so this theory was going from beginning that "Earth are stationary and other planets and stars moving around the Earth"
But Indian Mathematician Aryabhatt found that earth is not centre rather Sun is the centre and all other planets moving around the sun.
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Nicolaus Copernicus
Copernicus was a philospher of Europe who described Helio centre(Sun is the centre) theory first, But that was initially theory and he could not proceed it futher.
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Galileo Galilie |
But his student Galileo Galilei (who knows as the father of physics) established this Helio centric theory officially.Galilio had taken so many observation and concluded that Sun is the centre.
Tycho Bahre was a scientist who was really inspired by the Helio centric theory of Galelio.
He was very serious person he setup a telescope on his roop and start taking observation of motion of planets and their location at different time lots of data had been taken by Tyco bahre but he passed away soon he could not establish any laws about motion of planets.
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johannes kapler |