

First you need understand that what kind energy exist in universe then we know well there are two type of energy exist in our universe. Cosmic energy could be two type-visible energy and dark energy , only light energy of our universe which comes from sun we utilise.So yes all living things consume cosmic energy which comes from sun.

  1. visible energy or light energy -light energy which can be seen in the form of light.And sun is the primary source of this energy all living things consume this energy in different form like we consume sun light in the form of vitamin D and plants use it in photosynthesis so this light or cosmic visible energy is being used in the production of green vegetable and we eat vegetable and this energy which consume by our body from vegetable is conversed in ATP. it all about food chain.

  2.     Dark energy- Dark energy is exist in the major part of our universe.The amount of dark energy in our universe is more and more than to visible energy and that amount of dark energy is totally unused first we had perception that mass and energy both are different  things but Einstein purposed that mass and energy is not different things.

        by E=MC^2 we can understand the relation between mass and energy.