What is the time?
Did anyone see it?
Can we hear it?
So many question raise for these question we have only one single answer NO
We can not see the time we can not feel this but we have to pass through to time everyday.One question always have in mind. Is time related to our universe .
Before the Einstein other physicist have perception that time and space both are independence to each other they have no relation that means if any kind of change occur in universe it will not effect to time.
According to the Newton "Time is the absolute there is no deviation in time at the different location in universe take it in other word "Passing speed of time is constant through the whole universe" time will blows every where at the same speed.
Suppose your one friend living at Jupiter and you are here on you both start watching a movie on tv at the same time the duration of movie is two hour then you both finished the movie at the same time that is the theory of newton about time but Einstein changed this theory forever by his General theory of relativity.

Einstein explained that time is not absolute time have to be change according to the situation time travel in universe with the different speed at the different places.Passing speed of time dependence on velocity and gravitational. Now think about your friend who is living on Jupiter and he started to watch movie with you recently we were assumed that you and your friend both would finish movie at the same time
But according to the General relativity theory of Einstein no that would not happen you both will not finish movie at the same time we know that well Jupiter a giant planet it has massive mass in the compare of earth
and mass is directly related to gravity
gravity is directly proportional to mass so where field of gravity is strong there there the speed of time would be less.
so passing speed of time would be slow at Jupiter that mean you will finish movie before your friend.So we can say time is also relative but one more thing how we can relate it with space

We represent the location of a matter or object in space by three dimension graph it mean if we want to determine the accurate direction of object in space then we have to study about its dimension like its length width and height that would be its direction and this measurement not so difficult for us we could do it easily . because this object at that time would be in rest position but is never stop its always running how we can frame the location of that object with that time
So we already have three dimension of that object to related its position now we know that space and time both does not exist without each other so we relate time as a four dimension now we have four dimension of a object to determine the location of a object if you dont have one of them then you can not find a object at this universe let see one more things
we know that moon is the natural satellite of
earth moon revolves around the earth in it orbit its location is changing per second if we want to see moon at a point in its way then we have to collect data about that like its dimension at what time when it will be reached at that point where you want see it.