Jupiter is the fifth planet from sun and it the largest planet in our solar system.Jupiter is the outer planet of our solar system it is a gas giant. Jupiter contain almost two and half times the mass of other planets. Jupiter is the the gas giant planet. Jupiter is the third brightest natural object after Moon and Venus. Majorly Jupiter is composed by hydrogen and a quarter part of its mass is helium.
Maybe be it have rocky core with heavy element of gases.But initially it look like gas giant.We do not yet know if a solid surface exists on Jupiter. Jupiter's
clouds are thought to be about 30 miles (50 km) thick. Below this there is a 13,000 mile (21,000 km) thick layer of hydrogen and helium which changes from gas to liquid as the depth and pressure increase. Beneath the liquid hydrogen layer is a 25,000 mile (40,000 km) deep sea of liquid metallic hydrogen. Beneath this, there might be a solid core which is about one and a half times the size of Earth, but thirty times more massive. The temperature here would be about 55,000 Fahrenheit (30,000 Celsius) and the pressure would be tremendous because of the weight of the atmosphere above. So, if it is a solid surface, it's not at all like what you would find on a rocky planet, and it's not something you could walk on.We could not determine that it has solid surface or not because of that it rotate rapidly and other reason could be that it totally composed by gas sometimes gas can be in the liquid form and sometime it can be solid and sometime in gas form if you are thinking that could we have a walk on its surface like other rocky planet then forget it that could not be possible ever. A giant storm had been shown when it was saw first time by telescope in 17th century. The giant red spots on the surface of Jupiter is seen, which is the more than twice the size of earth , because of the giant storm is spinning in the atmosphere of Jupiter.
Nobody knows that when these red spots appeared first time on the surface of Jupiter.
These spots has been seen on Jupiter ever since people started to looking Jupiter through the telescope about 400 year ago.
ORBIT OF JUPITER - Jupiter has massive mass which is 318 times more than to earth and 1000 times less the sun due to having massive mass it has ellliptical orbital path in which it completes one revolution around the sun in 12 year of earth by travelling at the average speed 47,051 km/hours
Juno space craft was launched at July 2016 currently it is studying the gas giant planet Jupiter and sending data to earth.
Maybe be it have rocky core with heavy element of gases.But initially it look like gas giant.We do not yet know if a solid surface exists on Jupiter. Jupiter's
clouds are thought to be about 30 miles (50 km) thick. Below this there is a 13,000 mile (21,000 km) thick layer of hydrogen and helium which changes from gas to liquid as the depth and pressure increase. Beneath the liquid hydrogen layer is a 25,000 mile (40,000 km) deep sea of liquid metallic hydrogen. Beneath this, there might be a solid core which is about one and a half times the size of Earth, but thirty times more massive. The temperature here would be about 55,000 Fahrenheit (30,000 Celsius) and the pressure would be tremendous because of the weight of the atmosphere above. So, if it is a solid surface, it's not at all like what you would find on a rocky planet, and it's not something you could walk on.We could not determine that it has solid surface or not because of that it rotate rapidly and other reason could be that it totally composed by gas sometimes gas can be in the liquid form and sometime it can be solid and sometime in gas form if you are thinking that could we have a walk on its surface like other rocky planet then forget it that could not be possible ever. A giant storm had been shown when it was saw first time by telescope in 17th century. The giant red spots on the surface of Jupiter is seen, which is the more than twice the size of earth , because of the giant storm is spinning in the atmosphere of Jupiter.
Nobody knows that when these red spots appeared first time on the surface of Jupiter.
These spots has been seen on Jupiter ever since people started to looking Jupiter through the telescope about 400 year ago.
Others name of Jupiter--
1--the king of the Roman gods in mythology
2-- Gas giant
Jupiter has 67 Moons including the four large moon which knows as Galilean moons that were first discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilie
Lo Europa Ganymede Callisto

in its orbit around the sun.
Jupiter completes one rotation on its own axis in 9h55m30s
with the rotational speed - 13.07 km/s,
Exploration mission conducted by NASA on Jupiter--
These are the few mission which were conducted by NASA for the purpose of explore the Jupiter
Pioneer program (1973 and 1974) Voyager program (1979) Ulysses (1992 Cassini (2000)
New Horizons(2007) Galileo (1995–2003) Juno (2016) Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (2022) future project
Pioneer 10 was took the first fly for Jupiter in 1973 and Pioneer 11 in 1974 later Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 flied for explore the Jupiter.
Juno space craft was launched at July 2016 currently it is studying the gas giant planet Jupiter and sending data to earth.
Mass- 1.8982×1027 kg
Volume-1.4313×1015 km3
Surface Area-6.1419×1010 km2
Mean Radius- 69,911 km
Orbital Period- 12 year of earth
Rotational Period-9.925 hour
Surface Gravity-24.79m/s^2
Escape Velocity-59.5 km/s
Natural know Satellite- 79
Surface maximum temperature- −108 degree Celsius
Surface minimum temperature- −161 degree Celsius
Composition- Gas in volume Ice in volume
89%±2.0% -- | Hydrogen DRY ICE IN FORM OF -Ammonia (NH 3) | ||
10%±2.0%-- | Helium (He) Water ice---- Water (H 2O) | ||
0.3%±0.1% | Methane (CH 4) Ammonium Hydrosulfide (NH 4SH) | ||
0.026%±0.004% | Ammonia (NH 3) | ||
0.0028%±0.001% | Hydrogen Dueteride (HD) | ||
0.0006%±0.0002% | Ethane (C 2H 6) | ||
0.0004%±0.0004%-- Water (H