Earth is third planet from the Sun.It is only planet where life exist.Earth is formed around 4.5 billion year before . The composition of earth is rock and material like other three terrestrial planet.
Earth is the only planet in our solar system where is water in large amount.It completes its one revolution around the sun in 365 days and completes one rotation on its own axis in 24 hour. Earth is the only planet which name has not been taken from any Greek,roman and mythology.This name is taken from old english.

75 % surface of earth is covered by water in liquid form and in frozen.The common weather of earth is Wind,Snow,Fog,Dust,Storms.Earth is knows as Blue Planet due to having large amount of water there is found million of species of plants and animals.
the part of surface of earth where we live it is called is the largest planet in other three terrestrial planet like mercury,vinus and mars.Earth has a certain atmosphere and other physical condition like formation of Ozone layer which protect life on the earth from Ultraviolet Electromagnetic radiation of Sun and magnetic field of earth save from other radiation like solar wind.When plasama(A beam of charged particle) entered in earth atmosphere at the magnetic pole this is called aurora that can be seen at Alaska in north and Antarctica in south.
Nitroen gas is present in majority in atmoshpere of earth and other second gas is oxyen
MASS-- 5.9736 × 1024 kg
ORBIT-149,600,000 Km
RADIUS-6,371.0 km
SURFACE AREA- 510,072,000 km²
11.186 km/s
Earth is the only planet in our solar system where is water in large amount.It completes its one revolution around the sun in 365 days and completes one rotation on its own axis in 24 hour. Earth is the only planet which name has not been taken from any Greek,roman and mythology.This name is taken from old english.

75 % surface of earth is covered by water in liquid form and in frozen.The common weather of earth is Wind,Snow,Fog,Dust,Storms.Earth is knows as Blue Planet due to having large amount of water there is found million of species of plants and animals.
the part of surface of earth where we live it is called is the largest planet in other three terrestrial planet like mercury,vinus and mars.Earth has a certain atmosphere and other physical condition like formation of Ozone layer which protect life on the earth from Ultraviolet Electromagnetic radiation of Sun and magnetic field of earth save from other radiation like solar wind.When plasama(A beam of charged particle) entered in earth atmosphere at the magnetic pole this is called aurora that can be seen at Alaska in north and Antarctica in south.
Nitroen gas is present in majority in atmoshpere of earth and other second gas is oxyen
MASS-- 5.9736 × 1024 kg
ORBIT-149,600,000 Km
RADIUS-6,371.0 km
SURFACE AREA- 510,072,000 km²
11.186 km/s