If you have a blog account and you could not get approval for google Adsense while you have applied so many times but all time google did not approve your application.
then i would like to tell you how did i get approval for fully Adsense account by google.
1- You have to purchase your own domain if you are applying by blogspot.com then there are few possibilities to get approval for google adsense.
Dont worry if you thing you have to expense lot of money for buying your own domain then dont worry its not much expensive if you have credit card then you can buy a good domain like .com and .in only 350 rs but if you dont have credit card then you have to pay slightly more like 600rs because few domain provider website accept payment through only credit card but few website accept through debit card also but it could be little bit expensive i will mention few website where you can buy your own domain at low cost.
1 https://in.godaddy.com/---If you have credit card for payment then you can visit this website to buy domain.
2 https://www.bigrock.com/domain-registration/---If you have dont have credit card and you want to purchase your own domain then you then visit this link here you can make payment through debit card.
3- After purchasing own domain linked it with your blog and dont make so hurry for applying Adsense you would have to working on your blog at least 30 days.Write at least 20 post own your own dont copy from any where you can take ideas from anywhere but write according to you.If you are thinking for doing blogging then you already have topics at which you want to write article.
4- Dont use any image on your article which have copy write strike use only image which is free to use personal use as well as commercial use i will mention some website where you can download image for your blog.
5-Use very simple theme on your blog which is responsive with desktop as well as mobile.If you want then you can visit my website www.pankajchauhan177.com
6-- Before applying for Adsense you must have some page on you blog.
now you are thinking that is a hard task to do but believe me to create these pages are so easy you can visit youtube and you can take help from there. There are so many videos which really help you.
www.pankajchauhan177.com visit there and watch then do.Let me assure you 100% after doing these task you would get approve your application for Adsense in hardly two days i will so you the email which i got from google regarding to activation for my Adsense account.
And remember one thing one person can have only one Adsense account if you have multiple adsense account then take only one delete other