Third law of kapler's

Third law of kapler's

Third law of Kapler or Orbital period of planet is  very important from the third law of kapler Newton got idea of " Inverse square law" so what is the third law of kapler ? let discuss it.

  • According to the third  law of kapler "The cube of mean radius of  a planet from sun is directly proportional to the square of orbital time period (Orbital time period of a panet  is the time taken by a planet to complete on revolution around the sun) of a planet"


kapler's second law

kapler's second law

What is the second law of Kapler'?

Let discuss it according to the second law of Kapler's " Every planet covers equal area in equal time of period" what does mean it so that very simple theory for understanding Kapler's second law says that every planet travel equal area on its elliptical path in equal time of period.

By the first law of kapler' every planet moves in a elliptical orbit and we know ellipse does not have a certain focus or centre like a sphere, ellipse have two focus and sun could be at anyone out of two when a planet being near the sun its mean radius from sun is small so that the covered area by planet would be small so as for as a planet goes away from the sun its mean radius increase obviously the covered area is also increase so if a planet moving near the sun the covered area would be small and when it moving far away the the sun covered area by planet would be large but that's not happen.

Because planet does not moving with a constant velocity around sun.

When a planet be near the sun it has extreme velocity as far as it goes away from the sun its velocity is decreased  that's the reason it covers equal area in equal time period and this velocity by which it covers area knows as Areal velocity of planet.



First you need understand that what kind energy exist in universe then we know well there are two type of energy exist in our universe. Cosmic energy could be two type-visible energy and dark energy , only light energy of our universe which comes from sun we utilise.So yes all living things consume cosmic energy which comes from sun.

  1. visible energy or light energy -light energy which can be seen in the form of light.And sun is the primary source of this energy all living things consume this energy in different form like we consume sun light in the form of vitamin D and plants use it in photosynthesis so this light or cosmic visible energy is being used in the production of green vegetable and we eat vegetable and this energy which consume by our body from vegetable is conversed in ATP. it all about food chain.

  2.     Dark energy- Dark energy is exist in the major part of our universe.The amount of dark energy in our universe is more and more than to visible energy and that amount of dark energy is totally unused first we had perception that mass and energy both are different  things but Einstein purposed that mass and energy is not different things.

        by E=MC^2 we can understand the relation between mass and energy.

mass and weight

mass and weight

What is the mass and what is  the weight of a object?

That is the very obvious question which we should be known.

So let discuss first what is the mass of an object "Mass is the very special characteristic of a object  or substance or matter by which it covered area"

Mass is a constant quantity through the whole universe that does not matter where it is placed.


                                          Weight of a object-

what is the weight of an object so we know well about the weight of an object


So by this relation we can understand what is the weight of a object if mass of an object is multiple by gravity of surface by this we can get the weight of a object or matter.

w= mg 

where m is the mass of object and g is the gravity of surface on which object is placed.Weight is not a constant quantity through the whole so weight of a matter or object could be different on the different places in universe.

NOTE- Weight of an object could be zero but mass of an object could not be zero

Mass and weight on moon and earth

Mass and weight on moon and earth

You want to comparison weight of an object between Earth and Moon.

First we calculate weight of an object which is placed on the surface of earth after that we would calculate weight of same object at the surface of moon.

Let discuss first what is the weight of an object so we know well about the weight of an object


Now let  know first what is the Mass of an object.

So we have two definition of mass of an object let  discuss first definition of mass of an object "Mass is the very special characteristic of an object by which  it covered area"

Let discuss in other word " Mass is the property of an object by which it resist to change in its state"

Now we compare weight of an object at the surface on earth as well as on  the surface of moon.

let an object have M mass and it is placed at the surface of earth and gravity at the surface of earth is g 

so weight of object on the surface of earth = Mg

Now weight of the same mass object on the surface of moon= M ✖ g/6

weight on moon surface = Mg/6

Because we know well gravity on the surface of moon is 1/6 of earth

So we got the conclusion that . 

Weight on the earth surface of an object >Weight on the Moon surface of an object

**What happens when we push a wall? Work done =o? Or work done is there with net work =0?

**What happens when we push a wall? Work done =o? Or work done is there with net work =0?

If you are pushing a wall but there has not been done any work done.How do you know that its obvious formula we have.


you are pushing wall constantly but  wall does not move that mean no displacement has been done by you and if displacement is zero then what work done by you would be zero.

But you were constantly pushing the wall that mean some energy has been spend by you on pushing the wall but there is no  work done made by you.So where is your energy which has been spend by you on pushing the wall?

Let discuss it think about the law of conservation of energy we can not produce energy  neither we can destroy
we all are familiar about the third law of Newton Every action has a reaction"
so when you were applied a force  on wall for pushing it at the same time wall also exerted a equal and opposite force on you  so you all energy has been spend by this oppisite and equal force which was exerted on you by wall.

What is the future of energy?

What is the future of energy?

First we need to understand what is the energy and second things where we are
living that is very obvious question we all know that we are living in a frame what kind of frame in which we are living so this frame is our universe and what is the component by which our universe is made up. So we have to theories relative the composition of our universe.First theory which was applicable before according this theory there are two component by which our universe made.

 first component is mass and second is energy but according to the second theory which was developed by Albert  Einstein according to e=mc^2 that means energy and mass both are same things they are not different individually so there are only two things in our universe one is energy or mass and space so our frame in which we are living this is composed by energy and space if you look this term at the view angle of physics then past present or future they exist all time but we are living in non initial frame becuase everything in our universe doing acceleration so everything which do we do that is image and when this images relate with time then we can see all images is going like movie if this question is not vaild in itsself what is the future of energy we all know well energy can not be produce or not destroye so what would be the future of a thing which never be produce or never can be destroyed  it always remain constant.



 beginning we watch sun moon and other stars from earth and try to understant which are  moving and why are moving  and what is the rules of moving.
firstly we assumed that we are standing on earth and other astronomical bodies are moving and we made a perception that earth are in centre and other asteronomical bodies moving around the earth.

so this theory was going from beginning that "Earth are stationary and other planets and stars moving around the Earth"

But Indian Mathematician Aryabhatt found that earth is not centre rather Sun is the centre and all other planets moving around the sun.






Nicolaus Copernicus

Copernicus was a philospher of Europe who described Helio centre(Sun is the centre) theory first, But that was initially theory and he could not proceed it futher.







Galileo Galilie

But his student Galileo Galilei (who knows as the father of physics) established this Helio centric theory officially.Galilio had taken so many observation and concluded that Sun is the centre.









 Tycho Bahre was a scientist who was really inspired by the Helio centric theory of Galelio.

He was very serious person he setup a telescope on his roop and start taking observation of motion of planets and their location at different  time lots of data had been taken by Tyco bahre but he passed away soon he could not establish any laws about motion of planets.












johannes kapler

johannes kepler  studied all observation which had  been taken by Tyco Bahre and established three laws related to planetary motion
First law is related to the orbit of planets which is  know as Law of orbits or  Kapler's first law.









                                      First law of Kapler or Law of orbits

According to the first law of Kapler " All planets revolves in elliptical orbits while Sun situated at the one of the focus"
that is mean all planets does not revolves in a circular orbit rather they revolves in elliptical orbit which has two focus and sun can be at the  focus of one of them. 



NASA has launched a mission to make a closest approach to sun that mission has been given named  'A MISSION TO TOUCH THE SUN'

                                 Parker SOLAR PROBE

We know well Sun is the hottest star of our solar system and we dont have much information about our sun.It has a certain reason why we dont have much information about our sun because of its hottest due to its massive temperature we could not get succeed to send any spacecraft near to sun.

According to the NASA helios-2 was only spacecraft which reached to closest the sun.Helios-2 was send by NASA AND GERMANY SPACE AGENCY to sun at 15 January 1977


Helios 2  knows also as Helios B which flew around the sun at distance 3,000,000 km but that was a big distance so it could not give enough information about Sun.

But NASA want to deep study about Sun about sun for that NASA have to be  explore to closest the Sun for that purpose NASA launched PARKER SOLAR PROBE at 12 August 2018 that spacecraft would be one which will fly closest the sun. Parker solar probe would take observation  at the distance 61 million km from sun at the speed of 700,000 km/h Parker solar probe is  only spacecraft which has got this speed so far.The Parker solar probe will be the first spacecraft to fly into the low solar corona.Corona is knows as the outer atmosphere of sun.

The name of this spacecraft has been taken from the name of physicist EUGENE PARKER who is the professor at University at the Chicago.

The duration of this mission is around  6 years




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What the things we should know before travel

What the things we should know before travel

travel can be passion,travel can be addiction and travel can be hobby for people.There are so many different understanding  about  travelling.People have different view angle about travelling.But one thing is common people getting from travelling they get opportunity explore different countries and different location that could be a such great experience for them.

travel is not only fun if we want that could be a part of our education maybe that could be informal education but formal education is  not enough for us.Formal education we can get from books but informal education give us real kind of experience of our life in the easy word that informal education is not that which  we can get from our books for that we have to be explore around us. If you travel somewhere with someone or alone then you meet lot of people and having conversation with them  that enhance your confidence to communicate with people.During  travel we listen lot of people that is not waste of time that is a huge source to getting new ideas.That is the few advantages of travel which can improve our skill how does communicate with new people as well as we can get chance to know about different calture.But travelling is not easy for every one.What essential thing we can consider for travelling and we all know very  well what is that that is our finance status.

There are some essential information and things which we should have if we are  planning travel.

If you really have curiosity to explore the world you want to know how do people live of different calture how is their food and their uniform then you can start your travel like a educational project.

So  what is the essential information and things you must have before travelling let discus.

1-financial Budget- That should be your first and very important task to setup  a budget that is mean how much would you spend during your travelliing and that depends on your financial condition. 






2-Choose the destination-  Choose your destination where you want to explore first out your country and in your country.If are planning travelling out of country then complete all documents which you need during travelling.

3-You must have a luggage bag in which you can keep your all things and your cloths.Luggage bag should be accessible according your convenient.









4- If you going to a tour or visit or  travel trip anythings but you must have a camera by which you can capture all amazing photos for your education project  and for good memories and a note dairy also in which you can write about the description of all things which would be seen.
If you are not fimilar about the place where you would have been  then you must have the map of this place.Because map is the only one tool which would help you to choose your next target for visit.

5- before travel you should have knowledge about the weather of that place where you want to explore that is very common phenomenon when people have to survive due bad weather so many time that could be dangerous.



The asteroid belt is the region of solar system  which is the located between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter.It has got irregularly shape the diameter of asteroid belt is more than 400km. The Asteroid bet belt has got only dwarf planet Ceres.Early in the life of the solar system, dust and rock circling the sun were pulled together by gravity into planets. But not all of the ingredients created new worlds. A region between Mars.
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Occasionally people wonder whether the belt was made up of the remains of a destroyed planet, or a world that didn't quite get started. However, according to NASA, the total mass of the belt is less than the moon, far too small to weigh in as a planet. Instead, the debris is shepherded by Jupiter, which kept it from coalescing onto other growing planets.
Observations of other planets are helping scientists to better understand the solar system. According to a developing theory known as Grand Tack, in the first 5 million years of the solar system, Jupiter and Saturn are thought to have moved inward toward the sun before changing direction and heading back to the outer solar system. Along the way, they would have scattered the original asteroid belt before them, then sent material flying back to refill it.
"In the Grand Tack model, the asteroid belt was purged at a very early stage and the surviving members sample a much larger region of the solar nebula," John Chambers of the Carnegie Institution for Science wrote in a "Perspectives" piece published online in the journal Science
Our solar system isn't the only one to boast an asteroid belt. A cloud of dust around a star known as zeta Leporis looks a lot like a young belt. "Zeta Leporis is a relatively young star — approximately the age of our sun when the Earth was forming," Michael Jura said in a statement. "The system we observed around zeta Leporis is similar to what we think occurred in the early years of our own solar system when planets and asteroids were created." A professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, Jura has since passed away.
Other stars also contain signs of asteroid belts, suggesting that may be common.
At the same time, studies of white dwarfs, sun-like stars at the end of their lifetimes, show signatures of rocky material falling onto their surface that suggest such belts are common around dying system                
Make astronomy the part of your travel

Make astronomy the part of your travel

 How can you make your travel spectacular with the awesome night view of sky  by the Astronomical bodies -- 

If you like travelling then you well during travelling have to stay different different places at night.Then we can see different kind of night sky at the different place like different shape of moon we can see stars from the different posotion..then we can add this fabulous experience with our travelling

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 let discuss it deeply how we can get that kind of rare experience in our journey

you’ve likely heard that several times this month (and week) already. What this means is that now (and the next few months) is a great time to get out there and view our neighboring world at its biggest and brightest. It won’t be this big and bright again until 2035.

If you’re bummed about the planet-wide dust storm raging across the Red Planet, which will unfortunately obscure many of its more detailed features, consider that Mars is still a sight to behold, both with the naked eye and with the aid of binoculars or a telescope. And Mars will remain big and bright in the sky for weeks to come, so as the dust (hopefully) clears in the not-so-distant future, your view will remain pretty fantastic, all told.
In fact, this time of year is great for observing some of the best our night sky has to offer. In the Northern Hemisphere, that includes the Summer Triangle, the great globular cluster in Hercules, the Andromeda galaxy, and the big, bright planet Jupiter, which shares the ecliptic with Mars.
And for those in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, keep in mind that July 27 — the same date Mars reaches opposition — you’ll also get the century’s longest total lunar eclipse, with totality lasting a whopping 103 minutes (depending on your location).
And speaking of location, when viewing the night sky, location can be everything. Factors that include local weather and light pollution can dramatically impact your ability to see or enjoy the objects and events you’re after, and summertime is the perfect time to get out and enjoy some travel, whether you journey a few hours or a few thousand miles from home. I used to work at a small private observatory just outside of Tucson, Arizona, and even getting just a few miles away from the city lights could make all the difference in the night sky. While seeing the Milky Way from the city was nearly impossible, it spread
out beautifully overhead from our observatory’s location, just a short drive from the city’s center.
Private observatories and public astronomy groups often give tours or hold classes on how to view and photograph the night sky. // Photo Credit: Airbnb
So — if you’re considering summer or fall travel this year, consider the night sky you might be able to access at the same time. Picking a vacation spot with or near great night sky viewing will give you more bang for your buck, because if you’re on this site, you’re likely interested in getting closer to the stars whenever you can manage. You might also consider finding a local observatory, astronomy club, or individual that offers night sky tours or astrophotography primers and excursions. There’s absolutely nothing like coming home from a trip with not only pictures of yourself at exotic locales, but stunning pictures of the night skies you experienced as well.


Every human being have dream to fly around the moon but that would not be dream any more because the giant spacecraft manufacturing company SpaceX announced its new project.

SpaceX would give the opportunity to the private passenger flight around the moon. Sep 13 SpaceX announced that it made a deal to launch to a private flight for passenger to flight around the moon

SpaceX announced about this project by its official tweeter account.the CEO Elon musk of SpaceX revealed this spacecraft would be a new version of Big Falcon Rocket.That would be the first private spacecraft which will travel around the moon.

SpaceX said that it will reveal the name of man on Monday who will travel in this spacecraft.That was not first time when company announced that kind of project.

previously SpaceX announced a  fly moon around mission in February 2017.Company have plan to launch to two citizen but after company changed it plans took dicision to launch only one person.

All configuration of spacecraft has been revealed by Company CEO Elon musk at a press confess
According to the initially graphic design which is represented by the company this spacecraft has a long tail and small wings.

Configuration of new version BFR-

It has long tail and two delta type small wings.It look like a big spacecraft

Passenger is kept in cargo area It has 40 cabin each cabin can hold two and three people. BFR is capable to refueling in space.

its fueling tank can hold 860 tons of liquid of oxygen 240 tons of methane

CEO of Spacex Elon musk said we want 0% risk for landing.

Nasa curiosity mystery survey on surface of mars

Nasa curiosity mystery survey on surface of mars

After taking new samples of rock on 9 August  Nasa rover Curiosity has been started taking observation surrounding near its self. The Umber skies and darkness due to a global dust storm can be seen in the picture which has  been send by Curiosity rover.Some rare pictures also has been taken by the curiosity in these pictures we can see a thin layer of dust on curiosity deck
Image taken by Curiosity
The recently drill  target of Curiosity in foreground was Stoer. the name of drill target stoer is taken from a town of Scotland near where the important discoveries early life on earth were made in lakebed sediments.
Curiosity made happy to science team by giving new drill sample of rock of mars because last to drill attempts were not successful.
From  the starting of this year curiosity started using a new method for drilling to work around mechanical  problem.Testing has that it is effective method for drill in the comparison of old drilling method.Before using this method of drill suggesting there would have created problem to drill the hard rock but this method.
there is  no way have Curiosity to determine how much hard the rock is without drilling for this most recent drilling activity, the rover team made an educated guess. An extensive ledge on the ridge was thought to include harder rock, able to stand despite wind erosion; a spot below the ledge was thought more likely to have softer, erodible rocks. That strategy seems to have panned out, but questions still abound as to why Vera Rubin Ridge exists in the first place.

The rover has never encountered a place with so much variation in color and texture, according to Ashwin Vasavada, Curiosity's project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. JPL leads the Mars Science Laboratory mission that Curiosity is a part of.

"The ridge isn't this monolithic thing -- it has two distinct sections, each of which has a variety of colors," Vasavada said. "Some are visible to the eye and even more show up when we look in near-infrared, just beyond what our eyes can see. Some seem related to how hard the rocks


Saturn is the sixth planet from Sun and second largest planet in our solar system.Saturn also has got name after Jupiter name Roman god of agriculture.Saturn has a particular symbol for its representation  Saturn symbol.svgthe mean of this symbol is god sickle.Saturn is as largest gas giant planet after Jupiter.Adorned with thousands of beautiful ringlets, Saturn is unique among the planets. All four gas giant planets have rings  made of chunks of ice and rock but none are as spectacular or as complicated as Saturn's. Like the other gas giants, Saturn is mostly a massive ball of hydrogen and helium.Saturn radius is almost nine time

of earth and has massive volume which  95 time of earth.Interior composition of Saturn maybe a core of iron. this core is surrounded by mettalic hydrogen.And the middle layer of Saturn is liquid  hydrogen and liquid helium.Saturn outer surface look like yellow because of that Ammonia crystals  exist in its atmosphere. Saturn has its planetary magnetic field  this magnetic field produce when electrical current passing through the  its liquid hydrogen layers. The magnetic field of Saturn is little lesser to earth.Wind speeds on Saturn can reach 1800km/h which  is faster than on Jupiter.

Jupiter has 62 moons.

Saturn rings system- The rings of saturn were seen in 1610 first time by astronomer Galileo but at that time his telescope was not  strong to collect enough detail. Saturn has  a prominent rings system. It has nine continuous ring and three discontinuous arcs.The famous rings of Saturn is mostly composed by ice particles and  small amount of rocky debris and dust.

FACTS ABOUT SATURN-Twice every 29 and a half years the great planet Saturn appears ringless. This is an optical illusion: Earthlings cannot see Saturn's rings when the rings are edge-on as viewed from the Earth. They are barely visible through powerful telescopes

  • Saturn can be seen with the naked eye.

    It is the fifth brightest object in the solar system and is also easily studied through binoculars or a small telescope.

  • Saturn was known to the ancients, including the Babylonians and Far Eastern observers.

    It is named for the Roman god Saturnus, and was known to the Greeks as Cronus.

  • Saturn is the flattest planet.

    Its polar diameter is 90% of its equatorial diameter, this is due to its low density and fast rotation. Saturn turns on its axis once every 10 hours and 34 minutes giving it the second-shortest day of any of the solar system’s planets.

  • Saturn orbits the Sun once every 29.4 Earth years.

    Its slow movement against the backdrop of stars earned it the nickname of “Lubadsagush” from the ancient Assyrians. The name means “oldest of the old”.

  • Saturn’s upper atmosphere is divided into bands of clouds.

    The top layers are mostly ammonia ice. Below them, the clouds are largely water ice. Below are layers of cold hydrogen and sulfur ice mixtures.

  • Saturn has oval-shaped storms similar to Jupiter’s.

    The region around its north pole has a hexagonal-shaped pattern of clouds. Scientists think this may be a wave pattern in the upper clouds. The planet also has a vortex over its south pole that resembles a hurricane-like storm.

  • Saturn is made mostly of hydrogen.

    It exists in layers that get denser farther into the planet. Eventually, deep inside, the hydrogen becomes metallic. At the core lies a hot interior.

  • Saturn has the most extensive rings in the solar system.

    The Saturnian rings are made mostly of chunks of ice and small amounts of carbonaceous dust. The rings stretch out more than 120,700 km from the planet, but are are amazingly thin: only about 20 meters thick.

  • Saturn has 150 moons and smaller moonlets.

    All are frozen worlds. The largest moons are Titan and Rhea. Enceladus appears to have an ocean below its frozen surface.

  • Titan is a moon with complex and dense nitrogen-rich atmosphere.

    It is composed mostly of water ice and rock. Its frozen surface has lakes of liquid methane and landscapes covered with frozen nitrogen. Planetary scientists consider Titan to be a possible harbour for life, but not Earth-like life..

.MOONS OF SATURN- Saturn has 62 moons but very famous moon of Saturn among them is TITAN. Titan is the second largest moon in our solar system.Titan is large than Mercury

Titan is only moons in our solar system which substantial Atmosphere because its atmosphere is similar to earth and contain mostly Nitrogen like earth.Titan could be considered a planet if it does not revolve in the orbit of Saturn because it is large than Mercury.

MISSION CONDUCTED BY NASA- Four mission has been conducted by NASA to explore Saturn

1- PIONEER 11- Pioneer 11 was the first space craft flew for exploration of Saturn in 1979.

It flew 20,000 km in cloud layer to the top of Saturn but it could not get succeed to get high  resolution picture of the surface of Saturn

2-VOYAGER 1-- Voyager 1 flew for Saturn exploration in November 1980 which got  successfully send to earth high resolution picture of Saturn surface.

3-CASSINI-HUYGENS- Cassini huygens mission which is know better Cassini was conducted with the collaboration of NASA and EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY AND ITALIAN SPACE AGENCY for study about the planet Saturn and its prominent rings and its natural satellites.

Cassini was launched  15 October 1997 .Cassini spend 13 year in the orbit of Saturn and the mission of Cassini has ended 15 September  2017

   COMP0TION OF SATURN- The composition of Saturn is similarly to the  Jupiter both gas Giant planet has composed primarily 75%  Hydrogen and 25% Helium.



Jupiter is the fifth planet from sun and it the largest  planet in our solar system.Jupiter is the outer planet  of our  solar system it is a gas giant. Jupiter contain almost two and half times the mass of  other planets. Jupiter is the the gas giant planet. Jupiter is the third brightest natural object after Moon and Venus. Majorly Jupiter is composed by hydrogen and a quarter part of its mass is helium.
Maybe be it have rocky core with heavy element of gases.But initially it look like gas giant.We do not yet know if a solid surface exists on Jupiter. Jupiter's
clouds are thought to be about 30 miles (50 km) thick. Below this there is a 13,000 mile (21,000 km) thick layer of hydrogen and helium which changes from gas to liquid as the depth and pressure increase. Beneath the liquid hydrogen layer is a 25,000 mile (40,000 km) deep sea of liquid metallic hydrogen. Beneath this, there might be a solid core which is about one and a half times the size of Earth, but thirty times more massive. The temperature here would be about 55,000 Fahrenheit (30,000 Celsius) and the pressure would be tremendous because of the weight of the atmosphere above. So, if it is a solid surface, it's not at all like what you would find on a rocky planet, and it's not something you could walk on.We could not determine that  it has solid surface or not because of that it rotate rapidly and other reason could be that it totally composed by gas sometimes gas  can be in the liquid form and sometime it can be solid and sometime in gas form if you are thinking that could we have a walk on its surface like other rocky planet then forget it that could  not be possible ever. A giant storm had been shown when it was saw first time by telescope in 17th century. The giant red spots on the surface of Jupiter is seen, which is the more than twice the size of earth , because of the giant storm is spinning in the atmosphere of Jupiter.
Nobody knows that when these red spots appeared first time on the surface of Jupiter.
These spots has been seen on Jupiter ever since people started to looking Jupiter through the telescope about 400 year ago.
Others name of Jupiter--

1--the king of the Roman gods in mythology
2-- Gas giant

                                 MOONS of JUPITER

Jupiter has 67 Moons including the four large moon which knows as Galilean moons that were first discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilie

       Lo                 Europa       Ganymede               Callisto

 ORBIT OF JUPITER - Jupiter has massive mass which is 318 times more than to earth and 1000 times less the sun due to having massive mass it has ellliptical orbital path in which it completes one revolution around the sun in 12 year of earth by travelling at the average speed 47,051 km/hours
 in its orbit around the sun.
Jupiter completes one rotation on its own axis in 9h55m30s
with the rotational speed - 13.07 km/s,

Exploration mission conducted by NASA on Jupiter--  

These are the  few mission which were conducted by NASA for the purpose of explore the Jupiter

 Pioneer program (1973 and 1974)                                      Voyager program (1979)                                                        Ulysses (1992                                                                           Cassini (2000)

New Horizons(2007)                                                                       Galileo (1995–2003)                                                                     Juno (2016)                                                                                  Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (2022) future project


Pioneer 10 was took the first fly for Jupiter in 1973 and Pioneer 11 in 1974 later Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 flied for explore the Jupiter.
Juno space craft was launched at July 2016 currently it is  studying the gas giant planet Jupiter and sending data to earth.

Mass- 1.8982×1027 kg

Volume-1.4313×1015 km3

Surface Area-6.1419×1010 km2

Mean Radius- 69,911 km

Orbital Period- 12 year of earth

Rotational Period-9.925 hour

Surface Gravity-24.79m/s^2

Escape Velocity-59.5 km/s

Natural know Satellite- 79

Surface maximum temperature- −108 degree Celsius

Surface minimum temperature- −161 degree Celsius

Composition- Gas in volume                  Ice in volume

89%±2.0% --Hydrogen                                         DRY ICE IN FORM OF -Ammonia (NH
10%±2.0%--   Helium (He)                                    Water ice---- Water (H
0.3%±0.1%Methane (CH
)                                Ammonium Hydrosulfide (NH
0.026%±0.004%Ammonia (NH
0.0028%±0.001% Hydrogen Dueteride (HD)
0.0006%±0.0002%   Ethane (C

0.0004%±0.0004%--  Water (H